Michael Finkelstein, MD is well acquainted with cancer. Not only has he been the physician for numerous patients diagnosed with cancer, but as a young internal medicine resident, he supported three out of four of his grandparents through their cancer journeys. Over the years, as he left the world of conventional medicine and dove into the world of integrative medicine, Dr. Finkelstein discovered that the most effective approach to cancer was embracing it as an opportunity instead of framing it as a battle. Instead of making cancer the focus, by fighting the disease, patients make themselves the focus, by optimizing every area of their lives – eating nutrient dense foods that activate the innate healing response mechanism; discarding toxic relationships in favor of uplifting and nourishing ones; devoting time to enjoying natural settings; aligning the body and mind through guided imagery and meditation; practicing self-expression through music, dance, writing, and painting; and otherwise cultivating the “terrain” of a life that not only is passionate and joyous but, as a byproduct, is inhospitable to cancer. As part of this special program, Dr. Finkelstein will share his own family cancer stories, will discuss the cancer stories of his patients (keeping their identifying details confidential), and will invite program participants to share their inspirational journeys of living with and healing from cancer. Following the presentation, there will be a Q&A session and book signing.