Autonomic Response Testing (ART) is a diagnostic technique that assesses the body to identify the root cause of illness and dysfunction. It is also used to develop therapeutic protocols for a holistic approach to resolving them. Scientifically speaking, ART is a technique that is based in quantum mechanics. The body responds positively, negatively or neutrally to stimuli and substances placed in its energy field. This can be amplified and detected by the practitioner who is sufficiently trained in its application. It is an extraordinary tool that is simple and direct.
Michael and Robin have been trained directly by the founder of ART, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, and work at SunRaven, together, to integrate Holistic Medicine and Psycho-Spiritual Counseling, with this method.
The basic protocol consists of 3 visits. An initial intake and evaluation of 90 minutes, followed by two subsequent 1-hour visits spaced 3 – 4 weeks apart. The ART Package can be added to the Slow Medicine Immersion package, or selected separately.
For more details and more information and guidance, contact us: 914-218-3113 or [email protected].