The most effective approach to cancer is embracing it as an opportunity instead of framing it as a battle. Rather than making cancer your focus, by fighting the disease, you can make yourself the focus, by optimizing every area of your life – creatively expressing yourself, eating nutrient dense foods, spending time in nature, developing harmonious relationships, and otherwise cultivating the “terrain” of a life that not only is passionate and joyous but, as a byproduct, revitalizes your physical health.
Dr. Michael Finkelstein, The Slow Medicine Doctor®, is the Founder of The SunRaven Wellness Center in Bedford, NY, the author of Slow Medicine: Hope and Healing for Chronic Illness and the executive director of The Slow Medicine Foundation. He is a medical blogger for Doctor Oz and The Huffington Post; he has been featured in top media outlets including The New York Times and CNN; and he has presented at leading venues including GE Corporation, the Omega Institute and Rancho La Puerta. Dr. Finkelstein was trained at premier institutes for both conventional and integrative medicine – including The University of Pennsylvania, where he received both his Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Medical Degree (MD) and The University of Arizona College of Medicine, where Dr. Finkelstein completed an Associate Fellowship in Integrative Medicine.
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