Posted by Michael Finkelstein | September 12th, 2011
Reflection Moon
This full moon swings open the doors of fall and with it comes a very difficult time for many us. This fall and specifically this full moon follows the remembrance of a tragedy of great depth, marking the 10th anniversary of 9/11-a day that has changed us forever. This momentous anniversary stirs up questions and creates scrutiny over how and why something so terrible happened. The air around us remains filled with talk about the attack itself and blame and anger persist.
However, instead of talking about the event, the tragedy and the terror, we are faced with the opportunity to reevaluate our focus and think about what’s truly most important at a time like this, or rather, at any time. It is only with great wisdom and true understanding that we can genuinely memorialize the event and use it help define and improve the relationships in our lives. The process of rebuilding and recovering teaches us who we depend on, who depends on us and who we love and care for so deeply.
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