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Posted by Michael Finkelstein | December 14th, 2020

Ending the Year, WELL!

While most of us are probably happy that 2020 is coming to an end, the current climate is largely unchanged, the fatigue associated with holding on grows that much greater,…

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Posted by Michael Finkelstein | November 15th, 2020

Finding Peace

I think most of us desire peace. And health. What’s peculiar, however, is that we seem imbedded in perpetual wars in the name of liberty and freedom, presumably to maintain…

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Posted by Michael Finkelstein | August 18th, 2020

Beneath The Surface

The subject of wellness is a frequent topic of conversation in my circles. People come to me seeking it, friends like talking to me about it, and my colleagues discuss…

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Posted by Michael Finkelstein | June 21st, 2020

A Simple Solution

Today not only happens to be Father’s Day in the U.S., but the Summer Solstice and a New Moon all at the same time. And, the world is experiencing global…

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Posted by Michael Finkelstein | May 22nd, 2020

The Root of the Disease

So called advanced civilization seems to be very proud of their formal gardens and lawns. Indeed, a hallmark of the aristocracy is perfectly manicured hedges and pristine unblemished carpets of…

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Posted by Michael Finkelstein | March 24th, 2020

Now What?

Like all of you, I am taking stock of life, and things I have taken for granted. This is an extraordinary time, and though challenging and scary, it is ripe…

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