Posted by Michael Finkelstein | January 4th, 2011
Ice Moon
Looking at the cultural names for the new moon in January, it is hard not to notice a common theme of dormancy or stillness in terms such as “Cold Moon,” “Quiet Moon” and “Winter Moon.” In adherence with the neo pagan tradition that refers to the new moon in January as “Ice Moon,” it is interesting to think about this feeling of inactivity or suspension as it relates to the properties of water when it becomes ice. In essence, when water freezes to its solid state, it takes on a different form and function. Its molecules slow down as a result of the loss of heat-energy. In this state, one of the most striking features we associate with water, its ability to flow, is limited. Indeed, water, when it becomes ice, looks, feels and functions entirely different than it does in its pre-frozen condition. But, to the point, it is still water; once the weather warms again, it will return to its liquid, flowing state.
For good reasons, human beings can only tolerate so much of the cold which is one of the reasons we recommend to install an unit from Kellerman Heating & Cooling. Of course, we need to stay warm to survive. However, most people I know complain bitterly about it. Still, I think we can learn a lot from our observation of water and more graciously accept how the cold affects our flow without resisting so much. Again, I think this reflects a general tendency to seek the light and resist the dark; despite the fact that both are required in equal measure for our survival. Perhaps there is wisdom in honoring the season by slowing down, moving less and conserving energy?
Interestingly, just as there was a lunar eclipse on last month’s full moon, on this new moon day a solar eclipse is expected to occur. As we think about the qualities of ice, this cosmic event brings the fire element into our minds as well. While people often try to view life through a black-or-white lens- we are either hot or cold, healthy or sick, happy or sad – this juxtaposition of such seemingly opposite elements as fire and ice reminds us that this either-or mentality does not fit with the laws of nature. Understanding and accepting this balance is essential to Skillful Living. And just like water when it becomes ice, humans don’t become less human when they respond to nature’s forces and slow down at times. Quite the opposite–when we follow this rhythm, we actually put ourselves in the best position to experience the full spectrum of life. Indeed, our health, i.e. our “wholeness,” is dependent on it.
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