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Posted by Michael Finkelstein | December 7th, 2018

Meet Me in The Field

As the year comes to a close, like many, I begin to think ahead, while I reflect back. If I can manage to stay afloat amongst the swirling winds of social pressure to consume, it is a time of consolidation, integration and renewal. In that spirit, I am drawn to this quote by Rumi that suggests a way beyond the misguided and self-serving forces that coerce us into remaining locked in a false narrative based on a paradigm of right and wrong. In that, he invites us to leap ahead and to aspire to something even greater with far more potential.

Into the field we go, a place infused with the beauty of becoming. To be clear, this is not a place where our past is completely forgotten, but it is accepted as just what it is, the past. Here is the place where all of us can find wholeness by reclaiming our birthright to exist and to heal. In the process, we also find oneness as we join with each other on this journey into the future–my wish for the end of this year, and for the new year ahead.

…. speaking of which, in the New Year, I hope to begin a new book on the subject of “the field,” in particular, the Quantum Field and its relationship to health and healing; where the physical and non-physical worlds meet. It is my belief, embedded in the mystery of such grandeur, our ultimate potential is beckoning and will become realized.

Stay tuned, and tune in to your own calling, as always.

Mitakuye Oyasin,

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