Posted by Michael Finkelstein | June 1st, 2011
The Moon When Berries Are Ripe
For this installment, I’d like for us to get back to basics. The new moon in June is often referred to as “The Moon When Berries Are Ripe,” which has such a palpable, and quite frankly, beautiful, simplicity to it. With nature on full display, this time of year is typically an enjoyable one, and I have no doubt that it is one of the best times-perhaps the easiest-to align ourselves with its energy and to fine tune our abilities to live skillfully.
In the weeks ahead, we have an opportunity to witness the invigorating summer solstice. With this shift comes an increase in how active and energetic we are. I encourage you to take full advantage of this time, and to remember that the available energy can be used not only to build our gardens but to cultivate our lives. This is the time to focus on these efforts and to fully engage in the work. Please read on. Hopefully some of the thoughts will help you make the most of the season.
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