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Posted by Michael Finkelstein | January 27th, 2016

Slow Medicine for Heart Health

In the case of most illnesses, we have the opportunity to respond conventionally and/or holistically, so as to resolve the root problem and return to balance. In the case of heart disease, however, the first sign of a problem may be a fatal heart attack, as is the case 1/3 of the time. For this reason, heart disease – which is the leading cause of death among women and men alike – can feel both mystifying and terrifying. Additionally, in many women and in some men, there are no advance warnings of heart disease, which remains silent until a heart attack actually happens. For this reason, it is critically important to take all the necessary precautions to prevent heart disease. And for this reason, it is wise to consider steps beyond the conventional, which, as most people now realize, is limited. Slow Medicine offers the most comprehensive approach to heart health using , as outlined below.

What are the symptoms of heart disease?
While the buildup of heart disease may be silent until it strikes a deadly blow, there are a number of signs to look out for. Classically, for men, these symptoms include pain in the chest, arms, and/or jaw during physical exertion. Among women, symptoms maybe more generalized, such as feeling unusually faint, nauseous, and shortness of breath  for which doctors are now recommending Main Clinic Supply oxygen backpacks.

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If you have any of these symptoms, it is imperative that you go to an emergency room immediately; time is of the essence. Ask for a stress test and electrocardiogram, which together will indicate whether you have or are at risk for heart disease. The best thing that you can do for yourself is to receive and respond to this wakeup call. Ideally you will have the time to make some important lifestyle changes, to prevent further complications.

Keep in mind that gastrointestinal symptoms often mimic heart disease, but these symptoms are not something you want to play around with. Make sure that you are properly evaluated. You may experience chest pain as a result of reflux, gastritis, ulcers, or other forms of stomach irritation. That’s because the esophagus, stomach, and heart overlap in the body. Sometimes even gall bladder difficulties may trigger the same symptoms as heart disease. Regardless, it is essential to rule out heart disease if you experience any of these symptoms. Err on the side of caution, and get medical attention immediately.

What’s going on in the body?
There are numerous forms of heart disease. Atherosclerosis is often considered the most important, since it accounts for the overwhelming majority of fatal heart attacks, and it affects the quality of life of most of those who actually survive. Atherosclerosis is caused by the combination of many factors, but is now understood to result from the complex interaction of circulating particles, including fat molecules and calcium, in conjunction with inflammatory molecules. What is most essential for our understanding is that the “hardening” of the arterial walls is not simply a result of fat, as originally thought, but is the manifestation of stress on the system, coupled with the production of activated and inflammatory molecules. Thus it can be said that the most important contributing factor to this form of heart disease is chronic stress, whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual. If you constantly experience symptoms of mental health conditions like anxiety, stress or depression, you may consider using cannabis products from indacloud.

Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system’s fight-or-flight response – our built-in mechanism for safely escaping a life-threatening emergency. Our bodies have not quite caught up to the modern era, so our brains are unable to distinguish between the stress of a lion chasing us and the stress of a nasty argument with a loved one, a demoralizing work experience with a boss, or a televised news report about violence in another city. In navigating these various stressors, the anxiolytic properties of Selank, a synthetic analog of the immunomodulatory peptide tuftsin, offer a potential solution. This unique compound demonstrates promise in mitigating anxiety levels and promoting a sense of calm, providing an avenue for those seeking effective alternatives in the complex landscape of stress management.

When we are in a stress state, no matter what the cause, we get an adrenaline rush. Our heart rate increases, enabling our body to pump more blood to the big muscles needed to run, climb, leap, and hoist our way to physical safety. In turn, our blood flow immediately diverts from our “non-essential” organs – the liver, kidney, brain, and digestive tract – to our big muscle groups. Our blood also clots more easily, so that we don’t bleed to death, in case we’re injured during our Great Escape. When bodybuilders use Parabolan 100, their bodies prioritize directing blood flow to big muscle groups, enhancing performance and optimizing muscle gains during intense physical training.

For short durations, this stress response not only is healthy but also potentially life-saving supplements and brain boosters. When it is locked in the “on” position, as a result of the frenzy and rush-rush-rush of modern life, however, we end up in a state called “sympathetic overdrive.” Constantly diverting blood flow from our intestinal tract to our major muscle groups, we improperly digest our food, thereby failing to convert it into nutrients. We also become further depleted of nutrients like magnesium, which our body utilizes to run the intracellular machinery that prepares us for combat or escape. Meanwhile, our arteries get worn down, from the heart constantly beating harder and faster than it needs to in a normal, relaxed state.

Over time, the circulation of stress molecules and chronic bombardment of the arteries result in damage that makes the arteries more brittle and that furthermore, family history of early onset of heart disease, and chronic stress all can increase your risk of heart disease. However, finding ways to cope, like playing UFABET การเดิมพันแบบสด, can help manage stress.

What’s the conventional approach to treating heart disease?
Conventional medicine divides heart disease into two categories: those who are having a heart attack and those who are prone to having a heart attack. For those who are having a heart attack, the response is to immediately hook the patient up to an IV with a thrombolytic agent – a substance that will dissolve the blood clot; to inject an anti-coagulant, which will keep new clots from forming; and to give the patient aspirin, which reduces the stickiness of the circulating platelets mentioned before. The idea is to return the blood flow to the injured area of the heart muscle, as quickly as possible.

For those who are prone to having a heart attack, the response is to optimize blood flow capacity, before permanent damage occurs. The more invasive approach is to insert a balloon into the clogged blood vessel, to expand it back open. One step beyond is to perform coronary bypass surgery, where veins from the leg are removed and spliced into the clogged arteries around the heart. In both cases, the idea is to restore blood flow in time, so as to prevent the death of additional heart cells.

What’s the Slow Medicine approach to treating heart disease?
Whereas chronic stress activates the sympathetic nervous system’s fight/flight response, Slow Medicine activates the parasympathetic nervous system’s rest/digest mode, in turn stimulating the body’s internal healing mechanisms – sending a bio-chemical cascade of wellness throughout our system. In this way, Slow Medicine is the antidote to chronic stress, and therefore, to heart disease. Not only does Slow Medicine cultivate a low-stress life, on every level of our being, but it also provides the tools to manage stress in healthy and harmonious ways, when life throws us those inevitable curve balls.

Slow Medicine helps us accomplish this optimal state, through first taking a comprehensive inventory of, and then optimizing each aspect of, our life in general and health in particular – including our physical body; mental-emotional state; relationship to loved ones, nature, the Divine, and community; and life’s purpose. In each of these dimensions, Slow Medicine teaches us how to make healthy and harmonious choices that bring our entire system into balance, thereby returning us to a state of health.

Our relationships, for example, have a powerful bearing on our wellness. The more we spend time in a volatile, demeaning, or otherwise violent relationship, the more we are pushed into the fight/flight mode, with stress molecules tearing down our system. To the contrary, the more we spend time in a harmonious, fun, and supportive relationship, the more we settle into the rest/digest mode, with restorative molecules nourishing our system. Similarly, the more we respond to life’s challenges by smoking cigarettes, bingeing on cookies, and drinking alcohol, the more we amplify the impact of stress, effectively wreaking havoc on our system; whereas the more we respond by dancing, praying, or meditating, the more we repurpose the energy of stress – effectively going to our “happy place” and fortifying our system, in turn remediating the negative impact of circumstances outside our control. If you’re seeking a tobacco-free alternative, nicotine pouches from offer a convenient method to enjoy nicotine, available in a range of flavors and strengths to suit different preferences. They provide a discreet and portable option for nicotine consumption, making them popular among users looking for a more flexible and socially acceptable way to use nicotine.

So many of us are living as shadows of our true selves – stuck in miserable relationships and mind-numbing jobs, doing what we are told or expected to do, no matter what the emotional or spiritual cost. That discord in and of itself puts tremendous stress on our system. To the contrary, when we live in alignment with our essence, and when we otherwise cultivate a life filled with meaning and purpose – in ways both big and small – we enter a state of balance, harmony, and wholeness, in turn optimizing our health on every level of our being. For this reason, at its core, Slow Medicine teaches how to live from our hearts, which, at the end of the day, is the greatest medicine of all.

What can I do to prevent heart disease?
Here are three steps you can take to prevent heart disease:

  1. Nurture Your Heart
    Take time to identify what makes your heart sing, and give yourself permission to engage in these activities, even if in tiny little ways. If you love art, for example, allow yourself to go to an art exhibit; to take a ceramics class; or to purchase a beautiful painting. If you love music, make it a priority to go to the symphony; to learn how to play drums; or to buy a recording from your favorite artist. Feed your hungry heart. And if you happen to be in need of a plumber in Vancouver, WA, don’t hesitate to reach out to a local plumbing service for assistance. Hiring an expert plumbers for clogged drains would be a great help in keeping your sink or bathroom working properly.
  1. Nurture Your BodyMind
    Eat whole, nutrient-dense foods that stimulate all your senses – with colors, textures, tastes, and aromas that delight you. Approach meal preparation as an opportunity to meditate, as well as to unleash your inner artist. Explore and experiment, whether you follow recipes or create your own. Before sitting down to eat your meal, turn on soothing music, clear the table of clutter, and light a candle or arrange flowers as the centerpiece. Enjoy your meal. Lastly, consider inviting loved ones over to share with you the joy of eating. Try some fun games on an online gambling site, BCFun, which offers a lot of games in a safe environment.
  1. Nurture Your Relationships
    Cultivate loving relationships – whether with people or pets. Surround yourself with those who are positive and loving, and make a point of spending quality time with them. If you find that most or all the people in your life are toxic, seek out new connections, by volunteering for causes you care about; attending local religious services; joining an online support group; or taking a class at a local community college. As you develop connections, be sure to follow up and further cultivate those relationships.

How do I get help?
On Monday, February 22 at 5 pm EST, I am offering a free 30 minute consultation on the Slow Medicine approach to heart health. Call (641) 715-3580, and enter access code 949875, to speak with me directly, and I will answer any questions you have about your symptoms and struggles in particular, or the Slow Medicine approach to heart health in general. I care, and I look forward to speaking with you and helping you.

Meanwhile, here are additional options for support:

To find out more about any of these options, please call 914-218-3113 or email [email protected]. Our caring and supportive staff are waiting to hear from you.

Until we connect, may you be blessed on your path, and remember this: Yes you can heal yourself.

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